
Here they come!

Here they come!

Wow! OPAL Community Land Trust is wasting no time getting April’s Grove built (see above photo). It is so rewarding to see these buildings going up so quickly. It feels like the fundraising just finished and here they are. What a gift for the many families and...

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Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

There was a good turn out for the Vacation Rental meeting on Sept. 25th at the school cafeteria. The organizing group did a good job presenting some interesting data on the issue and impact vacation rentals are having on resources. You can read more and view...

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I received a call from a community member this week. They had received the Patagonia catalog which featured youth activists focused on climate change. This person wanted to know if there were any students on Orcas who were engaged in this work.Yes, indeed. Arla Sutton...

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The Impact of our Efforts

The Impact of our Efforts

Every once in a while, I get a glimpse of the impact OICF grants has on the community. This past week, I ran into a fellow sitting on his (very own) lawn reading a book in the sunshine. He looked so happy and healthy that I almost did not recognize him as the same...

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What a fun night

What a fun night

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us at the Block Party on Sept. 5th. The music was lovely, the food was delicious (thank you Wendy Thomas and the Wild Island crew) and the pours were hearty! It was great to have so many people on hand to celebrate Community...

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Labor Day?!?!?

Labor Day?!?!?

How in the world did Summer fly by so quickly? Here we are at the week before the school year starts. The school has undergone quite the transformation this summer, as construction continues on the new multi-purpose room, the Track, and remodel of the Old Gym....

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I have returned from my Ireland adventures. It was very interesting to see how much had changed in the 25 years since our last visit. During that time Ireland experienced the Celtic Tiger economic boom which has since slowed down significantly. We stayed in B and B’s...

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Report to Community Block Party Sept. 5

Report to Community Block Party Sept. 5

OICF invites you to the Report to Community Block Party on Thursday, September 5th from 5-7 PM on Urner Street (between OICF and Wild Island). Help us honor the community builders who have worked to create a better place for us all to call home. Join us for an evening...

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The challenges of keeping it clean

The challenges of keeping it clean

There has been an ongoing community discussion about public showers and bathrooms for Eastsound. Between the number of visitors who arrive by bicycle, boat, or in a private plane, and the number of community members living in substandard shelter, the need for...

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Paradise can be Complicated

Paradise can be Complicated

Living in paradise brings its own unique challenges and rewards. There is no doubt that Orcas has become quite the destination place. The ferries, restaurants, and stores are full. While it may be great for the economy, the community is grappling with the impact of so...

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