The Coates Family continues to work magic through the Orcas Community Resource Center (OCRC). Last year, they worked with director Erin O’Dell to build the Coates Closet. The Closet is stocked with supplies such as household cleaners, toiletries, and other basic needs that are not necessarily available through the Food Bank. This year, they heard that winter coats were in short supply, so they funded the purchase of a wide array of coats. They went the extra mile and helped construct a lovely rack (seen above) to display them. What an act of kindness.

OCRC continues to grow their capacity to help so many in this community. Their goal with all their clients is to provide connections to supports that will lead to self-sufficiency. Their most recent successes include finding housing for two local veterans who had been living in their cars. Orcas is so fortunate to have such a skilled and compassionate team at OCRC and donors like Robin and Norman Coates who make this effort possible. Thank you!

Monday is the Orcas Island Health Care District meeting, 5:30-7:30 now at the Eastsound Fire Hall (formerly Orcas Center). The commissioners will report on ideas to sustain access to care for the island. Hope to see you there.

And for those of you on island, Oct. 25th is the Homecoming Parade, starting around 3:30 from the school ending at the Village Green for a bonfire and Chili feed. We certainly love our parades!

Go Blue!