Masking Up Again.  A Recommendation.

Masking Up Again. A Recommendation.

Effective July 30th, 2021, San Juan County Health Officer Dr. Frank James is recommending that all islanders and visitors mask up when entering an indoor public space whether you are vaccinated or not. It’s already a requirement for unvaccinated people to...
OICF is hiring

OICF is hiring

The Orcas Island Community Foundation is looking for communication and administrative support person. The job description is below; a pdf is available here. To apply please send in a resume to Hilary Canty by email ( or by mail (PO Box 1496, Eastsound...


I am volunteering at the local vaccination clinic hosted by San Juan County at the Orcas Center. It has been a good opportunity to understand the process and pitch in. The County has done a great job setting up the clinics on each island, ensuring a safe and quick...
Call for Proposals – 2021 GiveOrcas

Call for Proposals – 2021 GiveOrcas

OICF is excited to announce a call for proposals for the 2021 spring GiveOrcas grant program. Nonprofits serving Orcas Island are invited to apply now through March 5th, 2021 to be included. Applications will be vetted by the OICF Community Grants Committee;...
GiveOrcas fully funded

GiveOrcas fully funded

We shortened our GiveOrcas Holiday campaign this year and, frankly, didn’t know quite what to expect considering the current situation. But wow; our community stepped up and delivered! Thank you. This year we raised $99,885 from 437 donors to fully fund 17...
Welcome, Flat Haley

Welcome, Flat Haley

Congrats to Peggy Rhoads, who guessed OICF’s Flat Person correctly this year and was the winner of our drawing for $500 toward a nonprofit in this year’s GiveOrcas Holiday Catalog! Peggy said, “What a surprise! All the possible organizations are...