Point In Time Count
Shelter Each year, counties across the state conduct a Point In Time (PIT) count to identify community members who are either un- or under-sheltered. The 2022 San Juan County PIT Homeless Count identified 146 people who have no stable place to live, an increase...
Happy to Help
Northern Heights Apartments I was delighted to hand deliver a $100,000 donation to OPAL Community Land Trust this week. This contribution will be used to purchase the Northern Heights Apartments (across from the Library on Rose Street), preserving 12...
Opportunities to Connect & Engage
Yesterday's fire in Friday Harbor (Photo: Kevin Ranker, Orcas Island EMS Student) Yesterday's fire on San Juan Island was devastating for so many. The Economic Development Council has launched a fund to support those affected. Contributions can be made here. ...
The 2020 Results are In!
The fog hanging in Crow Valley in the morning The results of the CF Insights Columbus Survey for 2020 have been released. OICF is ranked #1 out of 207 community foundations nationally for per capita gifts with a rate of $1,266. That represents an annual...
Up, Up, and Away!
Bob Waunch looking over the flight simulator in use I had the pleasure of attending the ribbon cutting for the Airhawks flight simulator this past weekend. What an amazing machine and what a lovely experience. The simulator will be used to supplement...
Spring has sprung
Lum Farm lambs (Photo by Jenn Staplin) It is the season of renewal. Baby lambs are prancing in the fields, daffodils are opening up in the rain, and the trees are starting to bud out. I suspect that you, like me, are ready to start branching out as well. It...
Ready to Serve
Poster in the Volk Room at OICF Ready to Serve! Have you ever considered joining a nonprofit Board? Board service is a wonderful way to support causes you care about, meet new people, and connect the community. With over 100 local nonprofits, there are many...
Springing Forward Into Another GiveOrcas Season
Driftwood Nursery Happy Friday everyone. It’s me again, Megan Neal, filling in for Hilary while she’s away this week. While Hilary is away for a family wedding in Hawaii, we are busy here at the office holding down the fort. It’s an exciting and busy time in my...
Signs of Hope
Orcas Center Vaccine Clinic Team This week, the County Health Department officially stepped down the volunteer crews that have supported the mass vaccination clinics, marking a shift in their Covid response. They will continue to provide vaccinations at the County...
Building Community
Artwork by OICF Trustee, Susan Singleton What would be your guess for how many buildings on Orcas are community-owned (meaning owned by a nonprofit, taxing district, or faith based organization)? Ten? 20? Not long ago, this question was raised and Ed Andrews, OICF’s...