I joined the staff of OICF just as the nation entered the economic crisis of 2008. It was an awakening for me personally and for the community as a whole. The nonprofit sector was not prepared as well as we needed to be. Boards were challenged to meet payroll much less the rising needs of their clientele. We made it through, and for the most part, recovered.

In the years since OICF has focused on building the capacity and coordination of the social sector. We’ve hosted board trainings, provided access to CPA’s, organized roundtables and focus groups for multiple service areas. That is in addition to the financial support that has been provided through the GiveOrcas campaigns.

This work proved to be critical. When this pandemic and subsequent economic crisis hit, it was the nonprofit sector that stepped up to provide the essential services to keep neighbors safe, fed, and housed.

The true heroes are those of you who serve on boards, volunteer, work to staff these programs and/or donate to provide financial resources to keep the doors open and the wheels turning. It is truly a team effort. OICF thanks you and is happy to support these efforts in any way needed.

Together, we have built a more resilient community. In a week where we have seen the unimaginable happen in my hometown of DC, I take great comfort knowing that together we can create a compassionate and just community. Let’s hope the rest of the country will follow.

On a personal note, as part of the first responder team, I received the vaccine today. I will let you know how it goes. Read the latest information from SJCo concerning the vaccine and its roll-out plans. The big takeaway for me is that we are doing a good job following the public safety mandates and recommendations and need to continue to do so until we are all offered the vaccine.

Stay well,

PS. If you would like to donate your stimulus funds to our non-profit community or the Community Emergency Response Fund, we are happy to facilitate. https://oicf.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/list