
The Longest Night

The Longest Night

Improvisation when the power goes out   This week brought WEATHER to Orcas. A foot of snow, temperatures in the teens and below, a north wind that created massive drifts, and then a power outage to top it all off, making last night feel very much like the longest...

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Gathering Berries   What a wild week this has been! The GiveOrcas Holiday Campaign is on fire! We had the busiest Ben Franklin Day ever, raising $49,418 through 313 donations. CRAZY! We ended up with Recovery Rides and Orcas Senior Center in First Place with 35...

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Welcome to the Family!

Welcome to the Family!

The Flat Person Family!   Food Bank Director Amanda Sparks is the 2022 GiveOrcas Flat Person, serving as the ambassador for the GiveOrcas Holiday Campaign. Welcome to the family, Amanda! 17 people guessed she was the one, and Tom Eversole won the $500 prize,...

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More Goodbyes

More Goodbyes

This week brought the news that Sam Coleman had died after a brief illness. He was home in Pasadena surrounded by Cynthia and their children. Sam was an OICF Board Member for several years. He also served on the Orcas Center Board. But his true love was music, and he...

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Well, that was brief….

Well, that was brief….

It feels like fall was late arriving and over in a blink of an eye, rushed out by winter which showed up unannounced with snow on Tuesday. Another sure sign is the presence of swans on Cascade Lake. Here we go. This week as we honor Veterans, we have learned of the...

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Shades of Gray

Shades of Gray

The weather has certainly shifted, and fall has fully arrived! Time to dig out the rain boots and bumbershoots. OICF is celebrating ten years as the fiscal sponsor for the Island Reproductive Health Initiative (IRHI). Jean Henigson and a team of her neighbors started...

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Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

  My time on the east coast is coming to an end. I have had a great time seeing old friends and family, as well as the amazing colors of the season. Even so, I am looking forward to the damp beauty of the Northwest. The OICF Team has been busy while I was away....

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