The GiveOrcas Campaign begins Monday, April 6th at and will run two weeks featuring a baker’s dozen opportunities to help individual nonprofits and programs.
These nonprofits, including the schools, the Orcas Center, and APS, have all experienced a sudden loss of revenue. Our goal is to raise a ‘bucket’ of unrestricted funds for organizations to help them through this crisis.
Yes, we are going to continue to fundraise for the Community Emergency Response Fund as well. This is a time to dig deep.
I am doing another FaceBook Live on April 3rd at noon (if you missed it you can access the recording on the OICF FB page) I am going to try to do this weekly for the duration. Consider it ‘Lunch with Hilary’. I will use the time to explain what OICF and the community are focusing on–needs, opportunities, and such. Please help spread the word. Also, send me any questions you would like me to answer.
Stay well!