
The Whirlwind of Summer

  Welcome Lynn! I am delighted to announce that Lynn Sharpless White has joined the staff of OICF as our Support Specialist. Lynn brings great organizational skills, a welcoming personality and an ability to see the big picture and will provide back up for key...

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June Is Over

And Just Like That, June is Over This beautiful Barred Owl came to visit us this past week, hanging out in our yard for most of Saturday. It drove the robins crazy, but Hank and I sure enjoyed the visit! I am not sure if it was scoping out a bird's nest or had an eye...

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A New Season Upon Us

This week marks the end of Judy Scott’s tenure as OICF Board Chair. Judy helped steer the organization through the pandemic and oversaw the Community Emergency Response effort. She has been a remarkable advocate for this organization and for the many nonprofits...

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Love Wins!

Love Wins! Hank and I celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary this week which also marks our 30th on Orcas. Amazing!  I am so very grateful. It has been a lovely ride so far! We have been granted an extension on the purchase of the Pea Patch Lane property. Closing is...

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Ready to Serve!

  Ready to Serve! Thank you to the dozen folks who came to the Introduction to Board Service hosted by OICF this week. Thank you also to Nancy Stillger, Director of the Orcas Island Historical Museums, for helping to lead the program and to Brian Moss and Margie...

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Happy June!

  Happy June! It is hard to believe Summer is here (well, almost). May was amazing and June is off to a great start. We are moving forward with the final inspections for the Pea Patch Lane property and continuing to gather funding pledges in earnest. The closing...

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So Grateful!

So Grateful  We could not have had a better day to celebrate the GiveOrcas campaign with an Ice Cream Social at Cascade Lake. Cones, bowls, and rootbeer floats were enjoyed, grant checks were distributed and the Youth Philanthropy Awards were revealed. Each year, the...

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We Did It! Wahooo!

  We Did It!  WaaaHOOOOOOOOOOO! Thank you, Orcas! The GiveOrcas campaign was a great success! More people than ever before contributed! All in all, 774 individuals donated, beating our previous record of 668!  A whopping $311,778, fully funding 12 proposals and...

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The Final Lap

  The Final Lap We are down to the last two days of the GiveOrcas campaign. It has been a wild ride. Over 700 friends and neighbors have donated- a new record for Orcas! So far, $225,000 has been raised, two proposals have been fully funded and another 6 are at...

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