Great news! This week, a generous community member and the OICF Board created a $250,000 matching pool for donations to the Pea Patch property purchase. Wowza! What a great way to top off our campaign to purchase the Pea Patch project!

Every donation will be matched 1:1 until we reach $250,000. Donations of any size are welcome and can be made online at, or in person at the OICF office on Urner Street. We can also accept stock contributions- just give us a call and we will get the transfer underway.

I am delighted that we are so close to closing on this property. Hoping that OPAL will officially own it by the end of September. We will certainly celebrate and take a breath before launching on Phase 2 of the project when we start design and planning.

 A community campus that is so centrally located, with a Food Bank, Resource Center and rental housing will be a great support for many community members who are challenged by the high costs of living on Orcas. We also hope to enhance the wetlands and create some walking paths that would be available to the public and easily accessed.

If you are interested in a walking tour of the property or in just learning more about the collaboration, give me a call and we will set up a time.

So grateful to all who are invested in making this dream a reality, please join us.

Thank you,
