What a remarkable week! We knocked the socks off our old record on unique donor game day with 432 donations raising $24,500 (last year was 302 donations for $20,000). Fantastic! Congratulations to the Early Childhood Education folks for top place with 92 donors, followed by Orcas Center with 75 and Emmanuel Episcopal with 48. Emmanuel achieved full funding for their proposal before the end of the day and offered their prize to the next runners up, so the Senior Center and OCRC also came away with prize money yesterday. How heartwarming!

This process of participatory philanthropy seems to fit this community so well. We all like to feel involved and engaged. Our population represents a broad economic span and Give Orcas provides an opportunity for everyone to contribute what they feel they can afford. It feels good to pitch in to help paint Orcas Center, or invest in support of senior foot care, because we want to live in a community that takes care.

With one week to go, we have raised $170,000 from 469 donors. We are almost to my goal of 500 individual donors! If you have contributed, Thank You! If you have not yet made a donation, please consider doing so this week (www.giveorcas.org). With our help, WE CAN DO IT!

Hope you have a lovely weekend. Here’s to all our Moms!
All the best, Hilary

Breaking news from Olga, where a bear has been sighted at the same place one was caught last year. Mighty exciting. You may want to take your bird feeders down and secure your bird food, as that seems to be its favorite snack.