The Odd Fellows have a great service program supplying firewood to seniors and families in need. This past winter, they noticed that a couple of their clients had aged out of being able to manage wood heat safely. Odd Fellow Didier Gincig reached out to OICF, asking if we could help these folks retrofit their residences with a safer and less physically demanding heat source. OICF contacted Senior Center Board member David Rosado, who oversees the Senior Center’s Home Maintenance Support program. David evaluated the houses and agreed that a heat pump would be an optimal solution.

OICF is moving forward with these two installations as a pilot program, using funds from the legacy gift that Ginny Lu Woods left the Foundation, as Ginny Lu would have been delighted to help ensure these folks can age in place safely. Loren Dickey is installing the units and hopes to have both homes set up by the end of the Summer.

This type of support is likely needed by many more neighbors. If all goes well with the pilot, OICF will open a Heat Fund and welcome donations to support additional upgrades. We would likely work with the Orcas Community Resource Center and the Senior Center to vet applicants, as they have great systems in place already.

I am so grateful for these types of collaborative programs. Working together, we can achieve great things! Please feel free to reach out with questions or suggestions as we move forward.

We have raised $38,000 for the Senior Center Building Purchase. Only $12,000 to go to finish the match! Once they have these funds, they can move ahead and finalize the purchase. So CLOSE!!!!

Safe San Juan’s is hosting a Gala on the 3rd. Tickets are available here. The Fly In and Car Shows are happening all weekend with a PanCake Breakfast to kick it all off at the Eastsound Fire Hall.

Tuesday is the deadline for casting your Primary ballot. Pop it in the mail or drop at the box at the Senior Center. Not registered yet? We have voter registration applications at the OICF office. Come on by!

BloodWorks Northwest is hosing a blood draw on Orcas Wednesday at the School cafeteria. There are still 7 slots available. Let’s fill it up! Register here.

August is off to a roaring start! See you out there!
