Leaning Into Leadership 

Recently, several organizations have reached out to the Orcas Island Community Foundation requesting help finding skilled Board members. With over 100 local nonprofits, the community needs to have a willing group of volunteers to provide the oversight and direction for each of these organizations to thrive. Board service provides a great way to connect to the community, dive deeper into issues, and meet interesting neighbors who share your passions.

OICF has developed an Introduction to Board Service for community members who are either new to Board Service, considering joining a board, or want to refresh their Board knowledge. This 2 hour workshop goes over basic responsibilities, leading practices and how to find a good fit with an organization. The next workshop is Wednesday, September 25th. There is no charge for the workshop, however seating is limited. Please contact the Community Foundation to reserve a seat.

Leadership is a skill and there is always more to learn. When I was 5 years into my tenure at OICF, my Board suggested I attend the Nonprofit Leadership Institute at UW. I was initially upset, as I thought this offer signaled concern about my efforts as the ED. After attending the program, I realized I had it wrong. My Board believed in me believed in me and were investing in building my skills. The program strengthened my understanding of my role and the role of the Foundation in the community. It was a fantastic experience.

The OICF Board has launched the Hilary Canty Leadership Fund to ensure future leaders at all our local nonprofits have similar opportunities to attend workshops, classes, and other programs to hone their leadership skills. If you are interested in investing in strong local leaders, please make a contribution to the fund.

Hope you have a good book to settle into this rainy weekend!

