Didier Gincig makes the change he wants to see through Give Orcas

In Case You Had Not Heard

Today Is Unique Donor Day! Head to www.giveorcas.org and make a donation of $10 or more to the proposals you care about. Together, we make Orcas stronger!

Today is also the launch of the new Dental Program. After a 6 month hiatus, we are finally providing dental care to those in need on the island. Dr Dubek and her hygienist are set up at the Orcas Island Fire Hall. They have a full schedule and will see 18 patients over the next 2 days, including children for the first time.

This is a huge step forward for a sustainable program and I thank all who are involved- Dr Jessica Dubek and her DentALL Team, Orcas Island Community Foundation, providing scheduling and intake support, San Juan County Health for funding and staff support, OIFR for providing a location, Mercy Flight for air transportation for the dental team, the OIHealth Care District for equipment storage, the OI Food Bank for snacks, Ray’s Pharmacy for toys for the treasure box (so kids leave happy), and OICF for underwriting the program. And a special shout out to Marsha Waunch who manages to pull us all together to make the magic happen.

We had over 100 applications for the 20 spots available today and tomorrow. We are hopeful that we can move through the backlog quickly and get on a sustainable track soon. If you know of someone in need of dental care, please encourage them to reach out to OCRC to  get on the list.

I will be thinking of my sweet mom and Mother in Law and celebrating all who nurture us this Mother’s Day. Wishing you a great weekend.
