Let’s Lift Each Other Up!

Join us today, Giving Tuesday, for the launch of GiveOrcas! Orcas is an incredibly giving and special place. Giving is ingrained in the culture here. Whether you are lending a neighbor a hand with a simple home repair or offering to help with an errand, giving to each...

Standing In The Sun

  ~our village shining in the light~ Standing In The Sun  This week was a heavy one. Regardless of our politics, it remains difficult to understand how our nation has become so divided and challenging to look towards the future with hope. But the tides continue...

The Many Hats We Wear

The Many Hats We Wear We all wear multiple hats. We may be parents, professionals, teachers, volunteers, aunties and uncles, activists, emergency responders, coaches, board members, artists, and more. We often approach these roles in different ways and reap different...

Gather + Share

Gather + Share One of the most important roles of OICF is to support capacity building within the nonprofit community. For many years, we have hosted regular meet-ups for nonprofit leaders to encourage collaboration and share updates and resources with each other....

Bright Lights!

Hooray for nonprofits with the 6th grade class! Bright Lights Wow, what a shining display of auroras last night – I hope you stepped outside to see the northern lights! What a treat! I brought some treats to the public school 6th-grade class yesterday. I was a...