We are midway through our community Forth of July celebration. July 4th was the Funhouse Fun Run, the Doe Bay Patriotic Celebration, the Community Band Concert and the Fireworks. July 6th is the Fire Department Pancake Breakfast, the parade, and the Lion’s Salmon BBQ. So much fun to be had! Why do it when you can over-do-it?

July 5th is the Unique Donor Game Day for Give Orcas April’s Grove edition. We will add an ‘extra’ $10,000 to the bucket for every 50 unique donors (up to $50,000). So far we have had 183 donors, adding an additional $30,000–Fantastic! Altogether we have raised over $140,000 of our $250,000 goal with three more days to go. Really hoping to get over the finish line, as access to housing is a critical issue both on Orcas and nationally. We are so fortunate to have a project to support that will provide an additional 45 townhomes in Eastsound.

OICF will be hosting an informational meeting for the Lodging Tax grant process with Rick Hughes on July 9th at 4 pm at the Parish Hall. If you are interested in learning more about these grants and how to apply, please join us.

We will also be having a gathering at Moran State Park, featuring park staff, Friends of Moran, and Kwiaht. The focus will be on current park activities, the impact of this past winters storm, and the conservation work that Kwiaht is undertaking. Please RSVP to Megan@oicf.us if you would like to join us.

I will be flipping pancakes from 9-11 at the Fire Hall on July 6th. Hope to see you there!