Match Has Been Met!

Plenty of good news this week. The Senior Center Match was beyond successful! The Community ended up contributing $65,212- a full $15,000 beyond the goal. Fantastic news for the Senior Center. Thanks to all who contributed.

With these funds secured, the center will be able to finalize the purchase of the building. The County will continue to operate in the offices they currently occupy, but as renters. Over time, as the County is able to secure additional space for County services, space will open up for the Senior Center to expand programs and services as needed by the growing population of Orcas Seniors.

After the building acquisition is completed, the next step is to raise funds for the needed building repairs and renovations. It will be another push and I suspect we will run another Match campaign sometime in the future. If you are interested in supporting a Matching Pool, please contact the Community Foundation.

Busy weekend ahead! Saturday is the Library Fair, now held at the Library. I will be at the Qwack Wace- the Olympics of Rubber Duck Racing! Funds raised support the Ken Gibbs Memorial Fund for Youth Science Education. Ken was a remarkable scientist, good neighbor, and a rubber ducky aficionado, who would have loved to share his passion for science and fun with the coming generations. Donations to the Gibbs Fund can be made here if you do not feel like racing!

The County Fair is coming up. This year, a team will be at our Grange on Saturday to accept entry items, alleviating the need to rely on our interisland ferry. Drop off is from 10-6. No livestock, please.

Also, the Artist Studio Tour is happening. Check out the display at the Orcas Center to see the fabulous variety of work being produced on Orcas!

Hope to see you out and about!