Investment Strategies

Orcas Island Community Foundation funds are pooled with the intent of maximizing returns while meeting our fiduciary responsibilities.


Funds are managed by our professional investment management firm, Pathstone, under the supervision of the OICF Investment Committee. The members of this committee include experienced investment and financial professionals. Copies of the Committee Charter and Investment Policy Statement are available upon request.

Total invested assets exceed $26 million and are held in one of four merged pools. The largest of the four is what is commonly referred to as our Mid- to Long- Term Fund, consisting of a mix of stocks, both domestic and international, fixed income instruments, and real estate/private equity holdings. The allocation of assets between the three primary classes is periodically adjusted based upon a valuation analysis conducted by our advisors and the Investment Committee. The second pool is our Blue Marble Fund is comprised of ETFs and Mutual Funds focused on companies with best practices around environmental, social and governance attributes. Third is our Index Fund, which is a low-cost option characterized by a 60% stock, 40% bond asset allocation. Last is our Short-Term Fund, a bond fund managed by PIMCO. It is designed to address the aspirations of some of our partners to prioritize the preservation of capital.

As a result of administration of assets being maintained internally and timely reporting by our consultants and asset custodian, Charles Schwab, we are able to provide account balance information to our constituents in less than three weeks following the close of each calendar quarter. Online access to fund balances is maintained by OICF for the benefit of our stakeholders on an ongoing basis and is password protected (see Fund Manager instruction page).